With the pandemic, we were afraid we wouldn't be able to go through with it but our great community came through in spades. help us do it again in 2021, our 10th anniversary!
In 2020, several fundraisers were planned. All of them were cancelled due to COVID restrictions set out by our provincial government and local health unit.
As our team met, it was becoming more and more evident that we were going to have to cancel the campaign for 2020....
Our volunteers and community had other plans. They started to contact us and asking how they can give, how they can help... and help they did. In 2020, we provided a backpack filled with essentials to over 1,400 homeless people for Christmas. Businesses, media and so many people in our community were not going to let this campaign fail and we were able to raise the money needed and we did it.
"I was floored by the communities reaction" says founder Ron Pitre
"I've never seen a community come together like this before considering the restrictions in place for our society in general, I feel so blessed to be a part of this wonderful and giving community."
Please be a part of our 2021 campaign.